gc 2553 @8.452s 14%: 0.004+0.33+0.051 ms clock, 0.056+0.12/0.56/0.94+0.61 ms cpu, 4->4->2 MB, 5 MB goal, 12 P
gc 2553 : The 2553 GC runs since the program started @8.452s : Eight seconds since the program started 14% : Fourteen percent of the available CPU so far has been spent in GC
// wall-clock 0.004ms : STW : Write-Barrier - Wait for all Ps to reach a GC safe-point. 0.33ms : Concurrent : Marking 0.051ms : STW : Mark Term - Write Barrier off and clean up.
// CPU time 0.056ms : STW : Write-Barrier 0.12ms : Concurrent : Mark - Assist Time (GC performed in line with allocation) 0.56ms : Concurrent : Mark - Background GC time 0.94ms : Concurrent : Mark - Idle GC time 0.61ms : STW : Mark Term
4MB : Heap memory in-use before the Marking started 4MB : Heap memory in-use after the Marking finished 2MB : Heap memory marked as live after the Marking finished 5MB : Collection goal for heap memory in-use after Marking finished
// Threads 12P : Number of logical processors or threads used to run Goroutines.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Requests : 10,000 ------------------------------------------------------ Requests/sec : 1,882 r/s - Hey Total Duration : 5,311ms - Hey Percent Time in GC : 14% - GC Trace Total Collections : 2,551 - GC Trace ------------------------------------------------------ Total GC Duration : 744.54ms - (5,311ms * .14) Average Pace of GC : ~2.08ms - (5,311ms / 2,551) Requests/Collection : ~3.98 r/gc - (10,000 / 2,511)
(pprof) list rssSearch Total: 9.56GB ROUTINE ======================== project/search.rssSearch in project/search/rss.go 71.53MB 4.55GB (flat, cum) 47.63% of Total
. . 117: // Capture the data we need for our results if we find ... . . 118: for _, item := range d.Channel.Items { . 4.48GB 119: if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(item.Description), strings.ToLower(term)) { 48.53MB 48.53MB 120: results = append(results, Result{ . . 121: Engine: engine, . . 122: Title: item.Title, . . 123: Link: item.Link, . . 124: Content: item.Description, . . 125: })
With Extra Allocations Without Extra Allocations ====================================================================== Requests : 10,000 Requests : 10,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Requests/sec : 1,882 r/s Requests/sec : 3,631 r/s Total Duration : 5,311ms Total Duration : 2,753 ms Percent Time in GC : 14% Percent Time in GC : 7% Total Collections : 2,551 Total Collections : 1,402 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total GC Duration : 744.54ms Total GC Duration : 192.71 ms Average Pace of GC : ~2.08ms Average Pace of GC : ~1.96ms Requests/Collection : ~3.98 r/gc Requests/Collection : 7.13 r/gc
With Extra Allocations Without Extra Allocations ====================================================================== Requests : 10,000 Requests : 10,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Requests/sec : 1,882 r/s Requests/sec : 3,631 r/s Total Duration : 5,311ms Total Duration : 2,753 ms Percent Time in GC : 14% Percent Time in GC : 7% Total Collections : 2,551 Total Collections : 1,402 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total GC Duration : 744.54ms Total GC Duration : 192.71 ms Average Pace of GC : ~2.08ms Average Pace of GC : ~1.96ms Requests/Collection : ~3.98 r/gc Requests/Collection : 7.13 r/gc
清单16显示了带有垃圾收集的两个版本应用程序的结果。很明显,删除4.48GB的分配使应用程序运行得更快。有趣的是,每个系列(两个版本)的平均速度几乎相同,约为2.0毫秒。这两个版本之间的根本变化是每个集合之间的工作量。应用范围从3.98 r / gc到7.13 r / gc。这是完成工作量增加79.1%。